Tuesday, October 08, 2013

FOI Commissioner Is Well Paid for His Patience

On 6 August the Commissioner wrote: ‘We appreciate your patience throughout this process. We endeavour to progress decisions as quickly as possible.’ Let us have a look at how fast the decision has to be made.
The Commissioner wrote: ‘on 27 May 2013… a notice under s54Z of the FOI Act advising [the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet] we had decided to conduct a review of your matter. On 7 June 2013, the PMC advised they would like time to consider a s55G revised decision. At this time I am still awaiting a response from the PMC regarding their consideration of a revised decision. I have continued to follow up with them on a regular basis for a response, which to date has not been forthcoming’.
The politicians are happy to pay the Commissioner waiting and doing nothing. While the Commissioner is paid well, he has no reason not to be patient. I am not happy to be appreciated as being patient and believe many taxpayers don’t want the money are spent on endless waiting.
What thing can we do? Any suggestions are welcome.


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