Response to Kevin Rudd MP’s email of 2 October 2006
Dear Mr Rudd MP,
I am writing to acknowledge that my understanding of your response is to the effect that you did not support the petition for workers’ rights even though you might believe workers’ rights are the heart and soul of the Labor Party. Your attitude toward the petition was that it was not “sufficient to justify” a support from you, like the High Court’s attitude toward our appeal. If I am wrong, please correct me.
The High Court’s attitude toward the case was better than the Federal Courts. The Federal Courts did not deny that Hilda’s complaint about her boss’s unlawful instructions and activities were right but held that it was vexatious to seek support and protection from the Federal Courts against the retaliatory dismissal.
You advised us that we should stick to our local MP. That sounded as if you was criticizing that our local MP did not do her job. If you were in her position would you believe that you would do better than what she had done? It was easy to blame other people and did nothing.
I can image when your constituents suffer in similar situations like Hilda have suffered and raise their matters to you, you will say: Sorry, you cannot help them, because you know what have happened to Hilda’s case. If I am wrong, please correct me.
The governments might also claim that they did not respond to the matter because of “lack of resources”. We are lack of resource so we need your support. “United we stand, Divided we fall”.
Nevertheless, thank you for your time and attentions.
We believe: workers’ rights at work are worth fighting for, and we have obligations to tell you what has happened and what will happen to the workers who are your own constituents, despite frustrated by the difficulties we faced.
Thanks for your response anyway.
Yours sincerely
Daming He
(file below is downloadable as .doc file)
Email from Kevin Rudd MP of 02/10/06
Note: Mr Rudd MP failed to respond to this email.